# |
English Typos in "ejdic" |
Corrected in "PrepTutorEJDIC" |
番号 |
「ejdic」の英単語誤字 |
「PrepTutorEJDIC」にて訂正 |
1 |
absord |
absorb |
2 |
againg |
against |
3 |
arouud |
around |
4 |
autumu |
autumn |
5 |
doundless |
boundless |
6 |
brigth |
bright |
7 |
busineess |
business |
8 |
Cathoric |
Catholic |
9 |
Channel Ialand |
Channel Islands |
10 |
chopy |
choppy |
11 |
cjorale |
choral |
12 |
Christon |
Christian |
13 |
eicuit |
circuit |
14 |
circumstantialevidence |
circumstantial evidence |
15 |
cimbing |
climbing |
16 |
colleg |
college |
17 |
vonsist |
consist |
18 |
cont |
court |
19 |
Grusoe |
Crusoe |
20 |
deductble |
deductible |
21 |
digestivesystem |
digestive system |
22 |
esucational |
educational |
23 |
elasticty |
elasticity |
24 |
Englishwonan |
Englishwoman |
25 |
etal |
et al |
26 |
exclamatiom |
exclamation |
27 |
Fabiud Maxinuns |
Fabius Maximus |
28 |
feseration |
federation |
29 |
fiddlercrab |
fiddler crab |
30 |
fignt |
fight |
31 |
fokl |
folk |
32 |
folment |
foment |
33 |
gorget |
forget |
34 |
franchies |
franchise |
35 |
freeforall |
free-for-all |
36 |
fron |
from |
37 |
guinea-pg |
guinea pig |
38 |
hotfood |
hotfoot |
39 |
identiry |
identity |
40 |
inporyance |
importance |
41 |
Lindependence Day |
Independence Day |
42 |
indexnumder |
index number |
43 |
injuriosus |
injurious |
44 |
inbolve |
involve |
45 |
krypon |
krypton |
46 |
larder |
leader |
47 |
lightbuld |
light bulb |
48 |
luminosu |
luminous |
49 |
lunarnonrh |
lunar month |
50 |
maiors |
majors |
51 |
manageble |
manageable |
52 |
Narcus |
Marcus |
53 |
moralcartainty |
moral certainty |
54 |
motorca |
motor car |
55 |
obsever |
observer |
56 |
fo |
of |
57 |
Old Testment |
Old Testament |
58 |
om |
on |
59 |
ocetcome |
overcome |
60 |
parachte |
parachute |
61 |
peraon |
person |
62 |
phrasalverd |
phrasal verb |
63 |
plinsoll lime |
plimsoll line |
64 |
poen |
poem |
65 |
postal cord |
postal code |
66 |
opstbag |
postbag |
67 |
powderkeg |
powder keg |
68 |
ptosper |
prosper |
69 |
quicknees |
quickness |
70 |
radioative |
radioactive |
71 |
raiload |
railroad |
72 |
feinforced |
reinforced |
73 |
rhubard |
rhubarb |
74 |
rivlet |
rivulet |
75 |
Rocky Moumtains |
Rocky Mountains |
76 |
saffiron |
saffron |
77 |
scarcey |
scarcely |
78 |
seccual |
sexual |
79 |
saly |
slay |
80 |
son of bitch |
son of a bitch |
81 |
spawm |
spawn |
82 |
sill |
still |
83 |
surpriding |
surprising |
84 |
ghe |
the |
85 |
tympaunm |
tympanum |
86 |
unconnectde |
unconnected |
87 |
uncountde |
uncounted |
88 |
uncrittcal |
uncritical |
89 |
undermanneed |
undermanned |
90 |
unlimder |
unlimber |
91 |
unwilingly |
unwillingly |