![]() The terrorists who murdered thousands of innocent people in the attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and elsewhere on the 11th of September 2001 need to be punished severely or even wiped out altogether. And yet the U.S. should refrain from killing unarmed civilians in hasty retaliation. The U.S. should seek to apprehend and bring to justice only those who are directly responsible for the horrendous crime committed against the victims. If the U.S. should end up taking wanton vengeance on unarmed civilians, then America would be reduced to the level of the cowardly terrorists themselves. A poor villager in some obscure developing country does not deserve to be butchered for the crime he has not committed any more than a businessman working in the World Trade Center did. There is no justification in claiming that "those who harbor the perpetrators are just as guilty." Did the U.S. government raid any American town on account of Timothy McVeigh, convicted of bombing the Oklahoma City federal building, a terrorist attack that left 168 people dead? Surely McVeigh was born, raised and lived somewhere in the U.S. Were any of his fellow citizens put to death for the serious crime of having happened to share the same locale with McVeigh?Is the U.S. government going to raid Florida and Germany because they "harbored" the terrorists? Think about it. Doesn't this "let's go get them" war-chant smack of racism? George W. Bush, do not be so stupid as to think that you can turn this tragedy into your popularity-boost campaign. And Billy Graham, do you really believe that Jesus Christ would have endorsed a slaughter of unarmed and innocent civilians carried out by the armed forces whether in retaliation or in aggression? Billy Graham, you are a whore. |
George W. Bush, do not be so stupid as to propose wanton killing of noncombatant civilians.And Billy Graham, you are a whore to endorse his folly. Zushi Trivia |
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